
Wantage Target Shooting Club

Icknield Lane

Springfield Road


OX12 8ES

Want to become a member? 


Become a member




Club will only be open till around 8/8:30 tonight due to a lack of RCO availability. 07/02/25


About us

Become a member

Like the idea of our club and want to join us? Want to share the same hobby and make new friends? Simply download our application form or contact  us directly. We look forward to welcoming you to our club!

Please note All applications for  membership will need to be accompanied by a reference.




The Club has its own range, which was completely modernised and soundproofed in 1987, and has been further upgraded on several occasions since. This is situated in Springfield Road, opposite the new estate on Springfield Road.


The Club provides a variety of 0.22 rifles, match quality air rifles and air pistols for Members' use.   We also have Qualified shooting Coaches, including County & National Coaches, for both Rifle and Pistol.


The indoor range has 5, 20 yard shooting lanes, certified for 0.22 rifles in 3  positions and centre fire, pistol-calibre rifles, standing position only. It is equipped with turning targets at 20 yards and with target changers for 10 metre airgun shooting.


Shooters with physical disabilities are welcome . we currently dont offer full wheelchair access but hope to be able to offer that in the future 


Annual Subscriptions (there are no additional range fees) are currently as follows:


            Adult                £ 145 per annum   
            Junior*             £  40 per annum                    

            Family rate       £ 200 per annum

                                (1 or 2 adults & children under 18 @ same address)


New members must complete a basic shooting safety course and serve a probationary period of 6 Months with a minimum attendance of 18 in the period. This may be waived or reduced, on application to the Committee, for current members of another Home Office Approved Club, on production of satisfactory evidence of such membership and a reference from the Club Secretary. This is required by Law.


Fees for 6 months Probationary Membership are as follows:


            Adult                £ 97.5

            Junior*             £ 25


Juniors must be under 18 years of age on 1 October or on date of joining the Club.


Full-time students over 18 and/or Members suffering hardship may be charged a reduced subscription at the Committee's discretion.


It may not be possible for you to shoot Controlled firearms on your first visit to the Club. The Law normally forbids this unless you are first accepted as a Probationary Member, or are shooting as a Member of another Home Office Approved Club or unless you already hold a Firearm Certificate and use your own firearms. 

Probationary Members who cannot produce satisfactory evidence of previous shooting experience and competence are required by Law to complete a course of instruction in firearms handling and use before being allowed to shoot. It is Club policy that all Junior shooters (unless transferring membership from another Home Office Approved Club) must successfully complete the National Youth Proficiency course for Air Rifle, and attain an Expert rating, before being allowed to take part in normal Club activities or to shoot with any other type of firearm or crossbow. Members wishing to take part in Pistol shooting at the Club, who cannot demonstrate the necessary competence and experience, must first complete the equivalent course for Air Pistol.


The Club Coaches run beginners (and other) courses from time to time. National Youth Proficiency courses generally
cost from £20 to £25. Other courses generally cost from £20 to £75, depending on discipline and duration. The Secretary will provide details of courses available and charges on request.


Applications for membership must be on the prescribed form. 
The Law requires that all applications for probationary membership are sponsored by a Full (Adult) Member and you must also nominate a second adult referee (who must not be related to you), who can confirm your suitability for
membership.   All applications for full membership must be sponsored by all committee members of the Club. If you are under 18, the consent of a parent or legal guardian is also required. Membership applications cannot be processed unless these requirements are met. If you do not already know a member of the Club, who will sponsor your membership application, you will need to come along once or twice, and get to know people, before this can be done.


If you are interested in finding out more about the Club, please feel free to call in on one of our normal shooting nights and ask  to speak to the Membership secratary or email on

Membership fees are as follows:
Probationary junior £25  (min 6 Months)
Junior £40 per year ( Probationary plus £15)
Probationary Adult £97.5 (min 6 Months)
Adult (£145 per year ( Probationary plus £60)
Family Membership £200 (up to 2 adults and any Children under 21 in full
time education at the same addresS
the only other expenses are
Targets and ammunition which the club sells at cost.